Answer me.
Are you aware of what you imagine all day long? Everything that occupies the little space in your mind. Things that make you think about them.
Maybe not!! But after reading this article you will be concerned about it.
Imagination plays a crucial role in paving the path of your dreams.
I will convince you this through some concrete points.
What is imagination??
So basically, imagination is a mental movie that you play in your mind to recreate beautiful or tragic memories.
But what helps your brain to play those mental movies again and again?
It’s our dominant thoughts. Whatever you think about most of the time whether pleasant or unpleasant is your dominant thoughts.
Are your mental movies encouraging??
Let’s take an example to cover this point.
Your friend has introduced you to another friend (girl) and you really liked her sweetness.
Now you’ll think about her at night, day or Maybe just all day long. You met her again and you guys had a little chat.
You were already thinking about her every single moment.
And here’s how imagination will take place.
Your brain will recreate those short pictures of you and her chatting again and again.
This will turn into a mental movie, you will further imagine of making her your best friend or maybe more than that. (Lol)
This mental movie will be kept playing as long as you’ll let it.
This was for a beautiful recreation of memories but the same happens with tragic memories too.
It’s all depends on your dominant thoughts. If your dominant thoughts are negative or saddening then you’ll get that kind of imagination.
Role of imagination in Law of attraction.
You might have heard that what you think, feel, and try, you get.
This is called the Law Of Attraction.
This law is extremely important for you to better understand the power of dominant thoughts.
Your imagination is the product of your thoughts.
As I said above, whether you think positive or negative, you will imagine that only.
And what you imagine will guide you to achieve the same.
The Law of Attraction is just an application of your imagination. This Law works according to you. Means, if you think about the certain thing to get done within a deadline, you'll think about how you can do so, what you need to do so, etc.
Alter, if you think that you cannot do that task within the deadline then you'll make silly mistakes, fear, you'll attract all the negative thoughts.
This Law simply means you attract the results on behalf of your thinking pattern and actions.
Role of imagination in The Law of reversed effort.
Okay! Another question for you. Do you get the opposite of what you desire?
Again the solution to this problem lies in your imagination.
An American psychologist Coué, said, “When your desires and imagination are in conflict, your imagination invariably gains the day.”
An example for better understanding. As a student, we used to get freeze as soon as we see our examination paper.
At that moment we try to remember answers but the more we try the more we tend to lose them.
And as soon as we leave the examination hall, we get relaxed and start getting all the answers we were trying to seek before.
Here The Law Of Reversed effort takes place.
Our desire is to remember all the answers but our imagination of losing them is stronger than our desire. Hence our imagination wins.
This law is quite important to convince you about your dominant thoughts.
If you are getting negative results, it’s maybe all due to your negative imagination.
Take hold of your mental movies.
Till now you have understood why imagination helps you get the results you desire.
But how you’ll do so?
Here. By taking the hold of your mental movies. Just like in the above scenario you created the sweet memories of you and the girl, similarly, you can create any other positive movie.
As we grow, we face situations that create discouraging thoughts about ourselves. These thoughts if not stopped on time, fill our imagination with regrets, guilt, sorrow.
But that doesn't mean you cannot alter them. You have the key to your thoughts, make them as you desire.
Start by making your dominant thoughts encouraging, achievable. Think about what you want from life and how you’ll do so. What you need to do to achieve your targets.
Memorize them. Think about them. It’ll automatically become a movie.
And soon you’ll start putting those things in action.
Our imagination paves the 80% of our dreams. It’s the 20% of action we need to do after putting together our hit mental movie.
Take hold of your thoughts. Remove all those ifs and buts from them.
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