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Accomplish "more" without much complications and less time with "The Rule Of 3".

woman facing laptop while holding disposable cup

You gotta a lot to do. A very busy schedule. Wanna do more but just can’t for confused and tensed how to do?

 I used to feel the same. Only when I came across "THE RULE OF 3".

 This rule has simplified my way of doing work much more than I thought and is way too easy to adopt. No much work. No more complicated techniques. 

Let’s learn about it. 

What is the rule of 3?? 
The rule is dead simple. All you have to do is decide just 3 things you want to accomplish each day. You can either decide a night before and put it down on your little handy dairy.

 But, this doesn’t work for me. My method is a little variant. When I go to sleep I don’t use my cell. Rather I concentrate on what I want to achieve the next day but I don’t write it down. After deciding 3 things. I go to sleep. I also make sure that I  fell asleep  only after deciding my tasks.

As soon as I wake up the next morning, the first thing I do is to write down those 3 things I thought of doing. 
This helps me remember what 3 things I decided to accomplish.
 white ceramic mug beside white and black analog alarm clock

You can also put on notes on your phone. But I would recommend you to write as writing anything that you want to let in your mind for a longer time helps you remember it.

 It’s a psychological fact.
 That’s why as a child our teachers taught us to learn and write, to make it halt in our brain for a longer period. 

Why 3?? Not 2 or 4!
The rule is definitely not new. Many productivity bloggers have talked about this before. The reason, number ‘3’is chosen is because 3 is the largest number of things we can remember without much hustle. 

You can see other reasons as well. As a maths student, I learned that 3 is a magical number, any number which divisible by 3 will add up to 3 or its multiple that is 6 or 9. 
I know it’s not logical! And that’s why it’s magical. 

You might be wondering 2 is smaller than 3 and much easy to remember then why not 2? 
Not, because if you choose 2 things daily to accomplish there would be 2 faulty things happening: 

1) You will be confused most of the time either to do this or that first. 

2) Doing just 2 things is way too little to achieve in a day. You ought to get done more in less time. And that’s why you are here understanding the rule of 3. 

Similarly, not 4, it's not necessary that you always get done what you thought to. Sometimes random things come our way. So 4 is a little larger number in that sense. Even if anything comes your way during your project, you can still achieve 3 things you decided. 

“The process!”
So how to think of your most important daily tasks and get them done? 

At first, it was really fussy for me to decide what are the 3 things that I want to accomplish on a daily basis. But that won’t be for you! 

Just take out time and sit down quietly. Relax your mind. And slowly start writing out things that consume your thoughts. Things that you worry most of the time to get done. 
They can be 10, 20, 30 number of things. 

person writing bucket list on book

Make sure to write down each and everything doesn’t matter how small or unimportant. If it consumes your brain then definitely it’s worth getting done. 

After that, decide what is the one thing that needs most of your time and needed to be done on a regular basis. In my case I am a Maths student, so basically I have to devote each day a few minutes or an hour practicing it. 

Then the second important thing that you want to accomplish. 
Leave the third place. That place should include important things that come up your way on not so regular basis but are important for you. That you don’t need to do daily.
You have to include the first thing and the second thing on your daily to-do list of 3 things. And fill the thirds thing according to the situation.

This way you will be able to achieve your long term and daily goals simultaneously.

How I settle it: 
For your better understanding here I am listing my 3 daily goals for today : 

1. Study maths in the morning for one hour. 

2. Write my today’s blog post. 

3. Engage with my readers on Pinterest and Facebook. ( Simple but important to get done) 

Here ‘1’ is the most important task of my list. ‘2’ is also another important thing as I love writing. And ‘3’ as you can see is the thing that I needed to get done today. 

What you’ll get out of it? 
I adopted this rule when I wasn’t able to balance my studies and blogging. 
But in a few weeks, I settled so well that it’s now is a part of my routine. 

At starting you may get confused about listing 3 things but gradually you’ll learn. 

Also, you have to focus on listing those 3 things on your list that when you accomplished gives you confidence in your work.
Coz confidence encourages great work. 

Remember to repeat 3 daily goals again and again in your mind. I bet, if you followed this simple rule for a few weeks, you’ll see great results. It will simplify your most complicated tasks. And you’ll feel much less burdened than you used too. 


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